Adult Leagues
Big Field
- 6v6 (Goalie and 5 on the field)
- 5v5 (Goalie and 4 on the field)
- 7v7 (Goalie and 6 on the field)
- Cost: $55/Player (10 Player minimum) for 8 game season + ref fee ($20/game)
Small Field
- 4v4(Goalie and 3 on the field)
- Cost: $450 for 8 game season, ref included
ID Card
- $10/year
Youth Leagues
- Cost: $450 (Ref included)
- Cost: $635 (Ref included)
Winter 1 Youth Leagues (Dec. 2nd Start
4v4 Boys & Girls
- U4
- U5
- U6
- U7
Winter 1 Youth Leagues
7v7 Boys & Girls
- U8
- U9
- U10
- U11
- U12
- U13
- U14
- U15
- U16